Batman Day 2016 – A Mezco Retrospective

Holy Batman Day!

For me everyday might be Batman day. I am a huge, HUGE batman fan. Batman has always been my favorite comic hero. He has gone through many changes through out his tenure and honestly I have been a fan of all of them for one reason or another.

So in celebration of Batman Day on September 17, 2016, I asked my team to put together a retrospective of what we have been able to do to date. As our licensing rights started with Mez-itz you will see lots of them. Looking back at it all now, I didn't realize just how many versions of the caped crusader we've made.

Also, we are flashing back to our first One:12 Collective figure that launched a brand we are all very proud of here. The Dark Knight Returns Batman in his many renditions and let's not leave out the Dawn Of Justice Batman figure. These figures are truly something special and I feel they just get better with each one.

Last up is our new One:12 Collective Joker figure. I am extremely impressed with what my team has gotten done on him. From his maniacal grimace to his slightly disheveled three piece suit, he reeks of chaos and menace. With the clown prince of crime on the loose, Gotham's Dark Knight cannot be far behind — we have been working on something very special for our One:12 Collective Batman.

Stay tuned, same blog time, same blog channel!

~ Mez