Collector Spotlight Vol.8 - @pl_toybox_photography

Welcome back to Collector Spotlight - a regularly irregular interview with a fellow Mezco collector where we take a deep dive into the inner workings of their brain and gawk at the geeky-goodness on their shelves!

In this edition of Collector Spotlight, Pablo (@pl_toybox_photography) transports us to the Lone Star State, and proves everything really is bigger in Texas! Scroll on to get to know Pablo and gaze at his immense collection and stellar photography skills!

Q: When did you first start collecting and what was the first figure you remember seeking out?
Not including Lego but the first figure that started my journey into wanting 1/12 scale action figures is a figure that unfortunately I never got which was when I discovered Mezco and Gomez - Lone Roach & Grub which I continue to seek to this day. This figure kickstarted my journey into 1/12.

Q: How did you get into toy photography?
I have been doing photography for 17+ years now and toy photography for a little over 10 years. I have always loved product photography which led me to photograph my toys for a project when I was attending College. I have a BSA in Graphic Design and Photography and have been working hard to do work for toy companies as far as photographing new upcoming figures and creating images to help promote the product.

Q: If your toy collection could come to life, which toy do you think would be the most mischievous or adventurous?
The Plunderlings by Lone Coconut, are mischievous little creatures that love to plunder.

Q: Which toys in your collection do you think would make the best all-star team and what would their name be?
At the moment I would say my custom blue Gomez and the two Eddi's I have formed into a team and called them Azure Warriors MC. I have always liked the idea of a Rumble Society MC group that would be a great adversary to the Pink Skulls.

Q: What is your favorite aspect of being a collector?
My favorite aspect of being a collector is the opportunity to get figures to photograph to tell stories and share them on social media. It's a lot of fun getting figures, opening them up, releasing them from their cardboard prison playing with them, and posing them up to photograph.

Q: What is your favorite aspect of the photography process?
My favorite aspect of the photography process would be everything from coming up with an idea, creating dioramas and props for the shot, getting the figures needed for the shot, posing the figures, setting up the lighting to create the perfect mood, and creating the atmosphere to help convey the story I am trying to create. I also love the time I spend post-processing the final image and getting excited that I was able to capture my idea and share it with the world.

Q: What is your grail figure?
The absolute grail figure that I am still seeking to this day would have to be the Mezco Gomez - Lone Roach & Grub. I did not know about Mezco until a few months after the release of the Gomez - Lone Roach & Grub. I saw D-Amazing do a review and the awesome photos he took of him. So I tried to hunt that figure down but unfortunately, he is extremely high on the second market. I hope to get him someday and I hope Mezco does a variant of him. I created my own version using the Gomez of Death, I commissioned soft goods for him to match the yellow and black of the Gomez of Death, and for now, that is a good stand-in for the Gomez - Lone Roach.

Q: What's your favorite movie that you've seen recently?
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, I love the story that is being told and I love the animation style. Loved that Spider-Gwen had a greater role in the film, she is definitely one of my favorite female heroes ever created, and looking forward to part 2 next year.

Q: How has your perspective on toy collecting evolved over the years? Are there any insights or lessons you've gained?
When I first started collecting toys I was mainly collecting Lego, especially superhero minifigures. I got to a point where I was spending the same amount on a single custom minifigure as a Mezco One:12 Collective figure and had to rethink why I was collecting a figure that only had 7 points of very limited articulation and no accessories. I saw more potential in 1/12 scale action figures that had more accessories and soft goods for toy photography. I saw more value for my money in figures like Mezco, Damtoys, Plunderlings, Four Horsemen Mythic and Cosmic Legions, and many more when it came to my collection and for my photography.

Q: If you had to choose one word to describe the feeling of discovering a new addition to your collection, what would it be?
One word to describe the feeling of discovering a new addition to my collection would be joy because it is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

Q: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one toy from your collection with you, which one would it be?
This is a tough one, currently I would have to say my custom Fallout Jackie Vaporoni, would definitely fit well with me being stranded on a desert island.

Q: Any advice you’d like to offer to new collectors?
The only advice I can offer really is to collect what you like and enjoy your collection. Don't collect figures with the mindset that you hope to make a profit in the future with it. Play with with your figure, pose them up, and photograph them to tell fun stories.

Want to be featured in the next Collector Spotlight? Be sure to tag us in photos of your collection on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!