Collector's Spotlight Vol.9 - @_omega_red_

Welcome back to Collector Spotlight - a regularly irregular interview with a fellow Mezco collector where we take a deep dive into the inner workings of their brain and gawk at the geeky-goodness on their shelves!

In this installment of Collector Spotlight, we're goin' back to Cali with Sal (@omegared), who shows off his extensive collection, tells us how he got into toy photography, and gives some noble advice to new collectors.

Scroll on and check out what's hogging all of Sal's shelf space!

Q: What aspect of collecting do you enjoy the most?
I love just looking at my collection and all the new technology and techniques being used in the toy industry now.

Q: What led you to start toy photography?
I got my first iPhone in 2011 and found a few groups on Facebook that did toy photography. Seeing people’s pictures inspired me to try it out and fell in love with it ever since. It’s definitely a creative outlet that gets me out of the day-to-day stuff.

Q: Who's your all-time favorite superhero?
I’ve always loved Wolverine and still do. I loved the character growing up watching the cartoon and playing Marvel vs Capcom. I can’t wait for the new PS5 Wolverine game.

Q: What's one word you'd use to describe the feeling of finding a new addition for your collection?
Space: it definitely hard to find “space” when I get a get addition to my collection. But I always manage to make it work.

Q: How has your perspective on collecting changed over your time as a collector?
I’ve grown as a collector as I don’t collect many toy lines anymore. I only collect things I really like. I don’t always have to complete a line especially if I don’t have a strong attachment to it. It definitely quality over quantity for me.

Q: If your collection were to magically spring to life, which figure do you think would be the most mischievous?
Definitely “Vapor” I think my whole house would be covered in graffiti. I couldn’t go anywhere without Vapor running off to make another graffiti mural.

Q: Do you have any toy-related events or milestones in your life that carry particular importance for you?
There have been a few occasions where I met with people and shared my social media accounts and loved how excited some people get seeing my action figure photography. Also love that my twins share the same passion for doing their own photos and love for art and collecting.

Q: When did you first start collecting, and what was the first figure you remember pursuing?
I first started collecting in 2010 and remember really wanting to get the 25th anniversary GI Joe Gold Head Pimp Daddy Destro. I remember many nights on eBay until I finally won an auction.

Q: Which figure in your collection do you think would have most excited your younger self?
Street Sharks Blades. I loved that toy growing up and lost it when I moved. I would freak out if I found it or if a company did an updated version.

Q: If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring 1 figure from your collection, which one would it be?
My original TMNT master splinter. It was the first TMNT toy my parents got me and will be with me forever.

Q: Who would you like to see featured in the next Collector Spotlight?
A: Jim Dem, he’s been a good friend over the years with the same love for collecting. He is also the biggest Punisher/Conan fan I know.

Q: Do you have any words of wisdom you'd like to share with those just starting their collecting journey?
A: Collect what you like, don't give into the fear of missing out. You’ll end up getting something and regretting it, then end up selling it. Always do your best to budget as it can add up fast.

Want to be featured in the next Collector Spotlight? Be sure to tag us in photos of your collection on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!