Mezco's November Harvest Cornucopia Bundle Giveaway: Winner's Update!

Harvest Cornucopia Bundle Winner's Update

Today is the 1st of December meaning our series of November Harvest Cornucopia Bundle Giveaways have come to a close. Dave of Findlay, OH was randomly chosen as the winner the 4th and final week by following our account on Twitter. He’ll be the fourth person to receive a huge bundle of Mezco collectibles and figures. We’d like to give a big thanks to all of our winners and everyone who entered the contest. It’s always a huge compliment to see just many people will enter for a chance to win our prizes.

Don’t be discouraged if you weren’t one of the winners this month! We’ve got more giveaways and opportunities to win Mezco prizes incoming. You can currently enter for a chance to win our Stylized Clockwork Orange figure right here on our Facebook page.

Week 4 Update

The final week of our Harvest Cornucopia Giveaway Bundle is here! For the past three weeks, we’ve been randomly selecting a winner a week to receive one of our biggest haul of Mezco Prizes yet to show how much our fans mean to us. Now is your last chance to be selected as a winner too. Just follow this link and follow the instructions to enter for a chance to win.

Wondering about last week's winner? You can check back here on Friday when we announce the winner of the third week's prize. If that still isn’t enough to quench your giveaway thirst you can check out our One12 Aquaman Giveaway on Twitter!


This past Tuesday Week Two of our Harvest Cornucopia Bundle Giveaway came to a close. We were amazed to have received almost twice the amount of entries from our first week of the Giveaway. Hector L. of Las Vegas Nevada was randomly selected as the second week’s winner after gaining giveaway points by visiting our Facebook page. Today we’ll be shipping out another amazing haul of our collectibles to Hector.

While the second week’s giveaway came to a close, our third week started up on Wednesday with another huge wave of entries from fans. Get in on the action and enter now by following the link below and you’ll have a chance to be featured on our next Winner’s Announcement blog update.


After almost twice the amount of entries we received in our first week, the second week of our Harvest Cornucopia Bundle Giveaway has come to a close. We’re amazed by the huge volume of entries and very grateful for the enthusiasm from the fans that entered. This Friday you can check back here for the winner’s announcement, revealing who will receive the huge haul of Mezco Toyz collectibles.

If you're worried you won't get picked, you still have two more chances to win a Cornucopia Bundle over the next two weeks. The third week of our Harvest Cornucopia Bundle Giveaway starts today. Just click on the link and follow the instructions to enter.


This past Wednesday Week 1 of our Harvest Cornucopia Bundle Giveaway came to a close. We received entries from thousands of people all over the country but only one could be selected as the winner. Eric K. of Illinois was randomly selected as the first week’s winner after gaining giveaway points by signing up to our newsletter. Earlier this week we shipped his huge haul of Mezco collectibles. Thanks for entering Eric!

Want to see your name announced as the winner of our Cornucopia Giveaway like Eric? You can enter the second week of our giveaway here!


After thousands of entries, the first week of our Harvest Cornucopia Bundle Giveaway has come to a close.

Weren’t able to enter in time? Don’t worry, the second week’s giveaway is happening now. Just follow this link and you can enter for a chance to win a big haul of Mezco Toyz collectibles.

Looking to see if you won the first week’s giveaway? Come back Friday when we post our winners announcement update!


The leaves are falling and the wind is picking up. November has arrived ushering in a month dedicated to the things we're most thankful for. Here at Mezco, there is nothing we are more grateful than our fans and customers. Without you, our collectibles would still be nothing but ideas and concepts. That's why this November, we want to give back with our Harvest Cornucopia Bundle Giveaway.

Each week a new Cornucopia Bundle will be available to win. You just need to click on the link below and follow the instructions to enter and you'll have a chance to be randomly selected as the winner of one of the Cornucopia Bundles. The bundles won't be available for purchase so you'll need to try your luck for a chance to win one. Winners will be announced the following Friday.

Click Here To Enter

What does each Harvest Cornucopia Bundle contain? In the spirit of being thankful we packed each one to the brim with Mezco goodness. Each Cornucopia Bundle will contain...

  • One One:12 Collective Figure
  • One 15 Inch Figure
  • One 12 Inch Figure
  • And a Plush Figure

If you don't win this first week you'll still have three more chances to win! If you'd like to see what might be in the Harvest Bundle Cornucopias just take a look at our online store.