Things goin' bump in the night? You're in luck because this week, the hunter of horrors is making house calls! We're talkin' about none other than the one, the only, necro-alchemist rumbler, Doc Nocturnal!

Let’s take a look at what the Doc has been up to while he’s not hidden away in the Nocturnal Tower, showcasing the amazing work of Toypunk, Sal, and Carlos.

Name: Toypunk
Location: N/A
Inspiration: Each year in the month of October I do a #31daysofhalloween photo challenge posting 1 photo everyday that is Halloween/ Horror related. I thought who better to use then The infamous Doc Noc. Donning his new plague mask and crimson outfit even a Plague can not stop Doc Nocturnal from hunting every last vampire on Earth.

Name: Sal
Location: California, US
Inspiration: As a fan of Doc Nocturnal I love posing him in dynamic poses. I imagine him running and jumping from building to building fighting creatures of the night.

Name: Carlos
Location: California, US
Inspiration: My inspiration comes from the figure itself. I wanted to show the possibility and awesomeness of the figure. By showcasing that Doc Nocturnal was ready to swing into action, guns blazing!

Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.