The Week in Geek- 8/24/18

![alt](/content/images/2018/08/ Manta: Everything You Need to Know Exciting news for Aquaman fans everywhere. [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/08/'American Horror Story: Apocalypse' First Two Episode Titles Revealed The beginning of the end. [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/08/'X-Men' at 25: The Unlikely Story of the Animated Hit No Network Wanted The story of the hit show that almost never was. [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/08/ Page Comes to London in November from Dynamite Bettie Page + UFOs + Her Majesty = Righteous. [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/08/‘Harryhausen- The Movie Posters’ now available for pre-order The book will be released on September 4th and will feature posters from all over the world. [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/08/ Who Watches the Watchmen? HBO Viewers. The new series is slated to premier in 2019. [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/08/ Nintendo Making 4K Switch Console to Release in 2019 If the rumor is true, we'll see the mid-gen console released in 2019. [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/08/ Newest Rick and Morty Teaser Promises an Absolutely Epic New Season Show us what you got. [Read More]