The Week in Geek- 9/7/18

![alt](/content/images/2018/09/ Captain Marvel Photos Get on the hype train! [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/09/ ‘Doom Patrol’: Alan Tudyk Cast As Mr. Nobody In DC Universe TV Series Jeremy Carver's live action show will feature some of the biggest oddballs of the DC universe. [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/09/ Gilligan interview: Breaking Bad 10 years on The insights of a television genius. [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/09/ Trek to Receive Governors Award at Emmys A well deserved honor after 50 years on screen. [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/09/ Shopping Network No returns after Purge Night! [Watch Here] ![alt](/content/images/2018/09/'Firefly': First Look at New Series We still sting after *Serenity*, so maybe this will help. [Read More] ![alt](/content/images/2018/09/ How video games grew up and became a major cultural force Dismissing video games as mere distractions does not hold weight anymore. [Read More]