Collector Spotlight Vol. 4 -

Welcome back to Collector Spotlight - a regularly irregular interview with a fellow Mezco collector where we pick their brain and find out what's occupying their shelves.
In this edition of Collector Spotlight, Ashok ( takes us to the Land of 10,000 Lakes (Minnesota, US) to show off his extensive collection. Read on and get to know Ashok!

Q: When did you first start collecting and what was the first figure you remember seeking out?
A: I started collecting when I was around 10. The first figure(s) that I sought out were the Power Rangers.
Q: Who is your favorite superhero?
A: Spider-Man for sure. Be it having trouble paying his rent or not being the most popular guy at school, his way of outmaneuvering his rivals without relying on superhuman strength is a real treat, and one that easily makes him a fan-favorite.

Q: What is your favorite movie of all time
A: Being a Spidey fan, my all time favorite movie(s) would be that of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy. They were good comic to movie adaptations. A great superhero movie to lookup to.
Q: What inspired you to start collecting?
A: My passion towards owning a few childhood favorites in physical form.

Q: What inspires your photography?
A: Mostly toy photographers from Instagram and several comic book covers/ movie posters.
Q: How long have you been a toy photographer and what made you start?
A: I have been doing this for over 3 years now. Many talented toy photographers at Instagram made me super inspired to pick up my camera and embark on this journey.

Q: Who are some of your favorite photographers in the collectible community?
A: Some my of favorite photographers are from the Instagram toy community:
- sgtbananas : He has inspired me the most and I like his way of using practical effects, dioramas and lighting to make realistic story telling scenes.
- mrleeee : He is one of the most active contributors in the community. His way of bringing out the details and features of each figure is quiet extraordinary.
- eyeofuatu : He is quiet the masterpiece himself when it comes to his editing skills and making creative works of art with each post.
- jasonbmichael : His way of making incredible photos with practical effects is a treat to watch in each of his reels and it inspires me to think creatively.

Q: What's one of your favorite photos you've ever taken?
A: My most favorite photo would be that of Holiday Gomez and grub out in the snow enjoying the festive season. It was quiet the challenge for me to create an indoor snow setting accompanied with the right amount of lighting.

Q: What is your favorite aspect of being a collector?
A: As an adult, this is the only hobby that can hit our childhood memories in so many ways. Be it rushing home from work to open the figure to play and pose or scouting around the toy isles of Target/Walmart to grab that one figure I have being wanting so much.

Q: What was your first One:12 Collective figure?
A: My first Mezco One:12 figure was Logan. A perfect creation in figure form.
Q: What is your grail figure?
A: My current grail figure would be the Classic Suit Spider-Man by Hot Toys.

Q: Any advice you’d like to offer to new collectors?
A: Please collect figures that you really want to have and cherish. Don't accumulate unnecessarily as it will lead to a lot of sacrifices when you really need to get that one thing you always wanted.
Want to be featured in the next Collector Spotlight? Be sure to tag us in photos of your collection on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!