Collector's Spotlight Vol.11 - @figured_wood

Welcome back to Collector Spotlight - a regularly irregular interview with a fellow Mezco collector where we get all up in their shelf space, ask what's what and who's who, and learn more about how they pose, play, and display.
In this volume of Collector Spotlight, we're venturing south to Dallas, Texas, where we meet Marky (@figured_wood), who proves everything really is bigger in Texas, specifically his meticulously curated collection!
Keep scrolling to learn more about Marky and how he crafted his collection in the vibrant city of Dallas! 🌆

Q: What led you to pursue toy photography?
A: My two local toy photographer friends @cap_wolf_photos and @tearsfromtitan had started and I was jealous of how much fun they seemed to be having so I jumped in
Q: What aspect of being a collector do you find most appealing?
A: I think the community I've found. It's just awesome to meet so many people with shared interests.

Q: When did you first start collecting and what was the first figure you remember seeking out?
A: The Black Series Boba Fett back in 2014 was a tricky one to get, at least at retail. I remember hunting for that for a while before a friend came through for me.
Q: Are there any specific themes or types of toys you focus on collecting?
A: It's funny cause my collection started out as Star Wars, and Star Wars only. Then I opened it up to a few movie-related figures, mainly Arnold Schwarzenegger figures which then led me to some other IPs like Ninja Turtles and GI Joes. While I still collect those (and those two, in particular, would be a "toys from my childhood modernized" theme), I find myself gravitating more and more to original IP where I'm not beholden to some backstory already in place. I think that's why Rumble Society has taken such a bigger focus in my collection as of late.

Q: If you had to choose one word to describe the feeling of discovering a new addition to your collection, what would it be?
A: Challenged. Each time I get a new figure I'm looking at it trying to think of what I can do with it that I haven't seen done or already done myself with a previous figure.
Q: How has your perspective on toy collecting evolved over the years? Are there any insights or lessons you've gained?
A: I think I have honed in on what makes me happy as a collector and a photographer and figured out what I really value in a toy. I think with experience you can start to know what you can expect with a certain type of figure. I still love being surprised though.

Q: What toy in your collection do you think your childhood self would be most excited about?
A: I still have my original four Playmates turtles from the 80s. I think 6-year-old me would be blown away by how cool all the modern versions of the turtle figures are.
Q: Are there any toy-related events or milestones in your life that hold special significance to you?
A: Probably one of the coolest things to happen was getting picked to receive the Union Gomez from you guys to photograph early for his release. I don't just pick that because hey, it's a Mezco interview!, but because that was a genuine honor and just really cool to be part of that rollout (and I would love to do it again * cough cough*)

Q: If your toy collection were to magically animate, which toy do you believe would exhibit the most mischievous or adventurous behavior?
A: Well I have a whole slew of Gomez built for adventure, but I think Doc Nocturnal would be the first out the door to create mayhem. I imagine he'd be riding my cat around in no time.
Q: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one toy from your collection with you, which one would it be?
A: GI Joe Outback. He has SURVIVAL written across his chest and I'd need that motivation.

Q: Any advice you’d like to offer to new collectors?
A: Save your sanity, don't be a completionist! And do your best not to go backwards. There are always awesome things coming out. Patience is a virtue and a money-saving virtue in this game. Also, don't put big figures on those top shelves... it ends in heartbreak.
Q: What is your grail figure?
A: Probably the Mirage Shredder/Foot Soldiers 4 pack that came out like a dozen-plus years ago. A very close second is the Mezco Death Dealer though!
Want to be featured in the next Collector Spotlight? Be sure to tag us in photos of your collection on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!