Collector's Spotlight Vol. 14 - @nyrebelphotography

Welcome back to Collector Spotlight - a regularly irregular interview with a fellow Mezco collector where we get all up in their articulation, poke and prod at their shelves, and learn more about how they pose, play, and display.
In this volume of Collector Spotlight, we're headin' to Westchester, New York where we meet Tom (@nyrebelphotography), a passionate toy collector who's got poses for days, backdrops for miles, and electrifying photo editing skills (literally!)
Let's get to know Tom and see how he's created a toy haven in the heart of his county! 🧸

Q: Can you tell us about when you first began collecting and the first figure you specifically went after?
A: My toy collecting started with finding those Retro figures I had as a kid again. I had saved many figures from my childhood in the 80s. But of course back then I didn't treat all of them well and I was forced to part with a lot as I grew up. So going to toy shows and finding those items brings back memories for me. I would say I probably looked for some Kenner Super Powers figures and some G.I.Joe.
Q: What's one word that best captures the feeling of finding a new addition to your collection?
A: Well when I get a vintage figure I had as a kid... I think the obvious word is Nostalgia. For collectors, toys often evoke memories of childhood. That rush of nostalgia—whether it’s a toy you had as a kid or one you wanted but never got and now can afford—adds to the magic. It’s like reconnecting with a part of your past.

Q: How has your view on collecting toys changed as time has passed? Have you learned any valuable lessons or gained new insights along the way?
A: Be selective! There are so many amazing toy lines and figures out there it is super easy to go down a rabbit hole. Not only will you find yourself overwhelmed with boxes and bins of toys filling up your house but it could also add up to be an expensive hobby. I have started to be selective in what modern figures I get. I now aim to buy figures that I find more unique, which is why I enjoy the Mezco Rumble Society figures Or DamToy Coal dog figures.
Q: Imagine you're stranded on a desert island and could only bring one toy from your collection. Which toy would you choose?
A: It would be a Spiderman figure. Spiderman figures tend to be a lot of fun to pose. Spidey can strike dynamic poses, reenact epic battles, and even perform acrobatics. I would be able to create my own action-packed theater on that island. Besides if I am stranded alone there I will probably lose my mind a bit and I think Spiderman or Peter Parker would make for some good conversation. He has good Banter in the comics and we could discuss science, photography, and the existential crisis of being a superhero.

Q: Do you have any significant events or milestones in your life related to toys that hold a special place in your heart?
A: I was fortunate enough to meet Jared Middleton (@sir.dork) and do a photo workshop with him. Starting from there I was hooked on toy photography even more. His workshop and YouTube channel provided me some awesome tips and tricks to start taking photos of my own collection.
Q: If your toy collection had a theme song, what would it be?
A: Let's see, probably a catchy theme song that bridges the gap between the nostalgic 1980s and modern times. A Guitar melody kicks off and than Maybe some lyrics like.... "ThunderCats to Ninja Turtles, my toybox echoes with epic battles, Plastic warriors, both old and new, Dancing through decades, breaking the rules. From SuperHeros to Star Wars knights, We’ve got a universe stitched with neon lights. We got Transformers who are More than meets the eye, fighting along with the X-Men, as we watch Spider-Man swinging by....."

Q: What led you to start experimenting with toy photography?
A: I used photography in general as one of my hobbies to break away from the more stressful things in life. When Covid hit, it was hard to get out and do some of the photography I was used to doing. Being a toy collector as well I followed some toy photographers like Jared (@sir.dork), Johnny (@SgtBananas), and Trevor (@onesix_shooter). I loved how these guys used figures from Star Wars, TMNT, Marvel, and or DC to create these interesting scenes. So I started to use my toy collection to see if I could do something similar.
Q: Which toy in your collection do you believe would excite your younger self the most?
A: I think my childhood self would love the Mezco Popeyes I have. As I have all 3 versions. Popeye was one of my favorite cartoons from a young age.

Q: What aspect of the photography process do you enjoy the most?
A: I like that photography provides a creative outlet that allows me to tell a story. That is what I tried with most of the photos I took. Using figures and props to create a scene allows me to bring the character to life.
Q: What do you enjoy the most out of collecting?
A: The nostalgic feeling I get seeing a vintage figure I had as a kid or even a modern remake version like the Mezco Popeye or the Mezco TMNT figures.

Q: Which figure do you consider your ultimate "grail" in your collection?
A: I would say a grail figure that took me time to find without breaking the bank was DAMTOYS CoalDog- Death Gas Station - Iron Head Tony. This figure came out before I discovered their product line. I enjoy unique-looking figures and characters, so this figure was pretty awesome to obtain.
Q: Do you have any words of advice you'd like to share with newcomers to the world of collecting?
A: There are so many great figures out there but you need to be selective at times. Don't buy something just because you are afraid of missing out. If you miss out on a figure when it comes out, Try not to overpay for a figure from a reseller, most of the time the manufacturers do re-release the figure or over time the price will most likely come down as people move on to the next trendy item being released.
Want to be featured in the next Collector Spotlight? Be sure to tag us in photos of your collection on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!