Collector's Spotlight Vol. 15 - @thevillainous_1

Welcome back to Collector Spotlight - a regularly irregular interview with a fellow Mezco collector where we get all up in their articulation, poke, and prod at their shelves, and learn more about how they pose, play, and display.
In this volume of Collector Spotlight, we’re heading to the heart of Massachusetts to meet Mic (@thevillainous_1), a superfan whose passion for Mezco figures is evident in every corner of his collection. With an eye for detail and creativity, he transforms his space into a vibrant showcase of his favorite characters and epic scenes. 💥

Q: What sparks your creativity when choosing which toys to spotlight in your photography, and what’s the story behind your selection?
A: Sometimes the decision is made simply because the figure is new. But mainly it's just whatever I'm feeling at the time. I'm just having fun with a product I enjoy It's easy to get inspired by the community as well because the talent is immense
Q: Are there any toy-related events or milestones that hold a special place in your heart? What makes them stand out for you?
A: I have a few but being the unofficial record holder for owning the most Hades Inferno grenades is pretty serious business.. It must have been when I won a caption contest from you guys for a street Gomez when I first got into the line. I never thought I'd have a chance to own that one as I got into the line a little while after that release. So yea.. I cherish that one.

Q: How has your perspective on toy collecting evolved over the years? Are there any insights or lessons you've gained?
A: I have become more selective with what I collect now than ever before. My collection while it has some versatility. I've kind of streamlined a very specific variety of things that I'll buy. I learned not to be a secondary market sucka from my good friends in the chaos club, but seriously if there's any insight I could give it'd be to just follow the social media accounts of the products you collect. Know when things are releasing, make friends with like-minded folk collect what you love, and have patience because the collecting community can be very fickle at times... yesterday's prices aren't today's prices but it also might not be tomorrow's prices either! What's meant to be will be!
Q: If your toy collection had its own theme song, what track would perfectly capture its vibe?
A: My collection would need a playlist but the Tales From The Crypt intro is very fitting for most of it. Monster Mash is a close 2nd!

Q: If you could sum up the thrill of finding a new piece for your collection in just one word, what would it be?
A: Joy, there's nothing better than getting a nice new companion piece to a figure or figures you already have.
Q: What's your favorite movie that you've seen recently?
A: I enjoyed the new Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, growing up my mother loved those movies so I've always been a fan. You can tell there are people behind these new films that care about the brand. I saw it in the theater with a dear friend of mine before he had to go back to his duties in the navy and I thought the film was great so "what a wonderful day" it was!

Q: When did your collecting journey begin, and what was the first figure you remember eagerly hunting down?
A: I'm an 80s baby, born in 86' so I grew up with action figures like most. But I wasn't sure I knew I was collecting as a kid. When I became an adult that is when I realized this was a true hobby and form of escape. The evolution of the action figure has been awesome to see how many possibilities there are now. I don't remember the first figure I sought out but it was the early McFarlane stuff like his Twisted Land of Oz and his Monsters series, the old Mezco Toyz Dark carnival line, the Hell Boy stuff, a company called Sota Toys had a Killer Klowns from Outer Space line, the early cult classics Line from Neca.. so many companies were changing the game with amount of detail and value you were getting at the time.
Q: Which toy in your collection do you think would make your childhood self the most thrilled?
A: Easily the One 12 Collective TMNT set, my introduction to TMNT was from the old playmates figures, so seeing the set with the playmates inspired head sculpts and all the callbacks to the old toys with the accessories. They were designed so well, that I could not even put into words how excited I'd been to have these as a kid. But it's an "even better we got it when we're 40" situation lol

Q: Which One:12 Collective figure holds the top spot as your favorite?
A: That's a TOUGH question because there are so many top-tier gems but Doc Nocturnal has to be at the top just because I haven't stopped having fun with that figure since its release. It was my first Mdx experience. From the stop-motion trailer to the fact he came with a comic and a t-shirt was fun. Then you guys released the Phantom Knight expansion kit (wow) plus the wax cards with tidbits of lore to them. The emancipating Woodford story in particular, I mean it doesn't get any cooler than a compassionate monster that hunts monsters man!
Q: What’s your favorite part about being a collector?
A: My favorite aspect of being a collector is the kit bash for me. I'm a fan of action figures for more than just the nostalgic aspect of it. A cool figure is a cool figure regardless of the property it's attached to. That's what pulled me into the Rumble Society line to begin with. It's the world-building aspect.. and just getting to be creative with it.

Q: What sparked your journey into the world of toy photography?
A: Honestly the community of collectors online, there are so many talented artists and creative people, it's inspiring but also very humbling when you are trying to progress. I would build little dioramas out of cardboard and paper for my toys as a kid. I didn't know what I was doing I just wanted my toys to have a world I guess? So seeing people building dioramas at a very high level caught my attention. But the kitbashing and customizing community is what drives my passion for toy photography. I'm not sure I've earned the title of photographer just yet, I'm more of a guy who is having fun with his hobby. At the end of the day, the figure sits on the shelf, but with toy photography, you can bring them to life and be creative and even tell a story through it and it brings a whole new dynamic to collecting that makes me love the hobby even more.
Q: What tips would you share with someone just starting their collecting journey?
A: Advice for new collectors would be to collect what you love, not what's new and hot. And if ya miss out on something, patience is key (most of the time). Also make some friends in the toy community, having people to communicate with who share the same passion and interest is priceless!
Want to be featured in the next Collector Spotlight? Be sure to tag us in photos of your collection on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!