Collector's Spotlight Vol. 16 - @sequential_plastic

Welcome back to Collector Spotlight - a regularly irregular interview with a fellow Mezco collector where we get all up in their articulation, poke, and prod at their shelves, and learn more about how they pose, play, and display.
In this Collector Spotlight, we’re featuring Zach (@sequential_plastic) from Kansas, a toy comic creator. His series, "Oscar's Adventures in Woodworking," stars Rumble Society characters like Gomez and has drawn great feedback. With 10 issues out and 22 planned, Zach’s collection and creativity bring Mezco’s figures to life in a unique way! 💥

Q: What factors influence your choice of toys for your photography, and what makes them stand out to you?
A: That’s a good question! I don’t know… I guess I just get story ideas in my head and run with them.
Q: Do you focus on any particular themes or types of toys in your collection? If so, what draws you to them?
A: Well let’s be real - it’s all about Mezco. Can’t beat ‘em. Not just saying that.

Q: When did your collecting journey begin, and what was the first figure you remember actively searching for?
A: I’ve been collecting for years but not at the rate or scale that I do now (although I’ve slowed down considerably in the past few months). The first figure I remember just HAVING to have was the old Earthworm Jim fig back in the 90’s. Can’t wait for the new ones from Premium DNA!
Q: Who is your favorite superhero, and what about them resonates with you?
A: Favorite superhero… It’s a toss-up between Batman and Hellboy. Unless Gomez is a superhero. Then it’s Gomez.

Q: What sparked your interest in toy photography, and how did you get started?
A: I got into toy photography by making a toy photo graphic novel a few years ago. Basically, I dove in headfirst not knowing what the heck I was doing but figuring it out along the way. I’m still trying to figure it all out.
Q: Have there been any toy-related events or milestones in your life that are particularly meaningful to you?
A: Me and a couple of my friends (@tmnt_1987_ and @notabirdnotaplanephotography - with @crookedninjaturtle and @sime_on_toast jumping in every once in a while) started a YouTube interview show called Behind the Plastic where we interview toy photographers and toy collectors. It’s amazing to get to talk to the incredible people in this community and get to know them beyond Instagram posts.

Q: If your toy collection could come to life, which toy do you believe would be the most mischievous or adventurous?
A: Bartholomew Vex would be the most mischievous. Most adventurous… I’d say it would be between Gomez and Indiana Jones. Tough call.
Q: What do you enjoy most about being a collector?
A: My favorite thing about being a collector is being able to shoot my collection. Back in the day, I might pass on a toy because I would think, “Yeah it’s amazing but it’s just going to sit on my shelf.” The real joy of collecting began the day I started shooting.

Q: What is your favorite part of the photography process, and what makes it meaningful to you?
A: I enjoy the editing process - it’s where everything starts coming to life for me. I take a ton of photos for every shot, weed through them to find the ones with the right lighting, etc., and layer them in Photoshop - and I love watching it start turning into what I see in my head.
Q: Which toy in your collection do you think would have thrilled your childhood self the most?
A: Easy - Mezco Turtles. The first toys I remember having as a kid and playing with to death were the '88 Playmates Turtles. So yeah, my childhood self is beyond stoked to have these new ones.

Q; How has your view on toy collecting changed over the years? What insights or lessons have you learned along the way?
A: I’ve only been collecting “seriously” for about two and a half years but already in that time I’ve shifted from buying everything I see to being a lot more selective. With the sheer amount of toys out there I’d be homeless if I bought everything I wanted. Then where would I keep my toys?!
Q: If you found yourself stranded on a desert island and could only bring one toy from your collection, which one would you choose?
A: Gumby. Seriously. He’s so upbeat; I think he would go a long way to helping me keep my sanity. Plus he’s all one piece of rubber so I’d never lose hands or accessories.
Q: Any advice you’d like to offer to new collectors?
A: Have fun with it! Don’t collect for anyone but yourself and what makes YOU happy.
Want to be featured in the next Collector Spotlight? Be sure to tag us in photos of your collection on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!