Customizer's Corner Vol. 2

Customizer's Corner Vol. 2

Welcome back to Customizer's Corner - an intermittent highlight of the creativity and originality of the collectible community.

This time, we're highlighting the custom backgrounds and dioramas that are vital to a good photo. An effective background sets the scene and adds to the story. Cable on his own is cool, but Cable breaking through concrete walls? Badass!

Scroll on to see the work of Jorge, Steven, and Juan and see how they brought their subjects to life with some awesome display pieces.

Name: Jorge
Location: Spain
Inspiration: The photo is about Father and son, Master and apprentice. A gift, the transfer of wisdom and honor. Also, the moment when the apprentice becomes worthy.

Name: Steven
Location: United Kingdom
Inspiration: The inspiration behind the photo was to capture Vapor looking mean and fearless as he strolls thru a cold, seedy bad part of town late at night. Trouble could come his way any minute, but he's ready for anything! I wanted to show the figure in a confident swagger and the environment to seem dirty and realistic. I hoped to capture that the mean streets are where he belongs and this is his environment.

Name: Juan
Location: Chicago, US
Inspiration: Inspiration for the photo : I was just trying to do this great looking figure some justice. I enjoy making Dioramas for 1/12 action figures and thought this one would be perfect for Cable. Also ,seeing others in the toy community taking such great pictures with these incredible Mezco One:12 made me want to give it a shot.

Want to be featured ? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.