Customizer's Corner Vol. 3

Welcome back to Customizer's Corner - an intermittent highlight of the creativity and originality of the collectible community!
Vol. 3 is here to ease you into the frightening festivities of this month by showing off some familiar faces in costume! From scarecrows to thunder gods, these Rumblers are pulling out all the stops. Hide your jack-o'-lanterns, hide your valuables, but most importantly, hide your candy!
Scroll on to check out the work of Keown, Gabriel, Mitchell, Pedro and Caleb to see how they suited up the Rumble Society for Halloween.
Name: Keown
Location: New Jersey, US
Inspiration: Japanese Mythology is my jam! One of my favorite characters is Raijin the Thunder God! Behind Raijin are his drums which the legend says were behind the loud “booms” we hear following the site of lighting. In old artwork, Raijin is typically displayed holding drum sticks as well. Today, we see Raijin’s influence on tattoos, manga, and art, so why not quality toys as well?! MezcoToyz’s Lone Roach had there perfect amount of grays and reds to complete Raijin’s ominous look. I also swapped the hands for Doctor Nocturnal to give it that subtle vibe which matches Raijin’s lips.
Name: Gabriel
Location: New York, US
Inspiration: We have been living a lie, not many know that behind The Batman’s mask hides Gomez Diaz and not the billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne as the media has pointed us to believe. Jason Grub has been able to unmask him to show the truth to the world (hey, don’t judge, glasses work for Clark Kent and no one complains about it). As a general rule I like my Mezitz with six legs, so I customize them. The background is Vitaly Semenuk’s work (; I just used a mirror, some lights and smoke to simulate the atmosphere and extend the floor, finally everything comes together with the magic of color grading in Photoshop.
Name: Mitchell
Location: Washington, US
Inspiration: Though this isn’t a direct sequel to a previous shot I did, this photo is generally a continuation of Vapor getting into trouble tagging walls and other shenanigans! Because of his “poor” decision making, I imagined he would be VERY adept at hopping fences and evading the authorities so I tried to show that story here in this picture.
Name: Pedro
Location: Florida, US
Inspiration: I'm a sucker for classics and the one movie that stuck with me was (The Warriors) introduced to me by my Old Man who was born in the Big City back in the 50's. The grit and grime that movie presented was the chefs kiss; and when I saw Mezco toyz' Bodega Box commercial I fell in love with the whole theme of that singular advertisement. THAT'S when the motivation/inspiration and fixation to want to recreate those characters came into
play. ❤️🔥✨
Name: Caleb
Location: Florida, US
Inspiration: The inspiration was really just the comics…the Mezco Nosferatu body was the perfect base. Just the head and Freddy Krueger hands!
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