Arachnophobes, look away! This week's Fan Feature Friday is crawling with spiders...
Who better to protect the streets of New York City than Queens-native, Spider-Man! You know, the webhead in the red and blue suit. Or the blue and red suit. Or the black suit. Or the black and red su--wait...there's how many?!
Swing into the Spider-Verse with us once more and take a look at the work of Luke, Rudy, Firman, Nicholas and Erik.
If you haven't already, check out our new Amazing Spider-Man - Deluxe Edition brimming with all-new web accessories, multiple head portraits, and light-up eyes!
Name: Luke
Location: United Kingdom
Inspiration: My inspiration for this scene was the Spider-Verse. I wanted to have Spidey 2099 leading his own team of Spideys into battle! many times can you say spider-man related stuff in a paragraph before it gets too much?.....NEVER! There's never enough Spider-Man!
Name: Rudy
Location: Indonesia
Inspiration: The story behind my pic is, I tried to recreate the symbiote Spiderman cover art. In my opinion, Mezco symbiote Spiderman has the amazing detail and comic look to make the art cover I made it ...
Name: Firman
Location: Indonesia
Inspiration: I was inspired by Cyberpunk's style, because Spiderman 2099 from the future, I showed as if Spiderman was in action in a future city
Name: Nicholas
Location: Rhode Island, US
Inspiration: Inspiration from the photo actually came from me looking through my old Vs cards! The game had some beautiful images.
Name: Erik
Location: Mississippi, US
Inspiration: For this image, I wanted to create a dark and moody vibe to compliment Spider-Man’s Symbiote Costume.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.