Fan Feature Friday #106 - Fan Art Edition Part 3

The Rumble City art gallery is open for business! This critically acclaimed space features the latest and greatest in fine Rumbler art. Don't believe us? Here's some glowing reviews:
- ⭐️⭐️ "Someone nicked my wallet." - Baron
- ⭐️ "That place had an infestation. I swear I saw a roach on a skateboard." - Pepper
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Modern, yet vintage. Classic, yet trendy. Elegant, yet simple. Truly magnificent." - Mossquatch
For this week's Fan (Art) Feature Friday, we're giving you a mini tour of our newest pieces from artists Jake, Thistle, Pawel, Rickie, Drew, and Bill!
Gogh on and know you want to...
Name: Jake
Location: Maine, US
Inspiration: Just when we thought Mezco couldn't top the vivacious Vapor, they give the kid from Queens the ultimate makeover with Burner Edition. Get your oven mitts, cause this thing is HOT! I had a blast taking my original and inverting the color scheme for this release.
Location: Albany, US
Inspiration: Gomez is a busy guy. I wanted to catch him in a chill moment. He seems the type that would dismantle one of Pink Skulls and then stop for a quick smoke. To be fair, I don’t think Boom Boom minds being his seat for a few minutes, either. ❤️😆
Name: Pawel
Location: Poland
Inspiration: I just love good figures and good design - and everything about Rumble Society screams just that. Pink Skulls are my favorites.
Name: Rickie
Location: North Carolina, US
Inspiration: My original inspiration was that you guys are my favorite toy company due to having unique toys that have brought me the most joy out of any toy company. I had just received a doc noc figure and figured I’ll draw him. I’m a tattoo artist and love skulls!
Name: Drew
Location: California, US
Inspiration: As for inspiration behind the photo, I did this as part of a short photo series of Gomez hopping through different punk album covers trying to find the mighty & elusive Mossquatch.. so of course I had to do one showcasing one of the best albums of all time, Rancid's 'And Out Come The Wolves'!
Name: Bill
Location: New Hampshire, US
Inspiration: Inspired by Atticus Doom's adventures in The Necroverse. Clawing out clues for a cold case in the void with nothing but a Nebulous Claw and a smile.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco media on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.