"I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice."
Self-healing, Adamantium claws, mutant with a temper...ringin' any bells? From the northern wilderness of Canada hails one of the gruffest, most irascible, totally cynical, and brooding member of the X-Men ever to grace the team with his presence - WOLVERINE!
Scroll on and check out some sharp shots by Josh, Gary, Jeff, Scott & Ian! Oh and mind your step, there's Sentinel parts all over the floor...
Name: Josh
Location: California, US
Inspiration:  I did this shot of Wolverine charging through a wall as I felt it reflected the character he is and how he doesn’t care what he is up against and that he’ll give it his all.

Name: Gary
Location: N/A
Inspiration: After posing this new Tiger Stripe Wolverine, from Mezco, I wanted to take a photo that captured the expressiveness of the figure, its articulation and the amazing Sentinel diorama, that came with it. Â I have multiple Wolverines from various lines, but this figure has become my definitive Wolverine figure.
Name: Jeff
Location: Texas, US
Inspiration: As far as inspiration for the image goes, it’s really the figure itself that inspired me. As soon as I opened the box and took Wolverine out, I just wanted to take pictures of it!

Name: Scott
Location: West Virginia, US
Inspiration: Ever since first seeing the box set I knew I wanted to use the classic Wolverine sculpt. When I saw the removable Sentinel eye I knew that the first image had to have Wolverine staring it down, mutant vs machine.
Name: Ian
Location: Tennessee, US
Inspiration: I was inspired by the diorama base to create this image. I loved all the detail and the claw marks covering the sentinels body and the fact that it has a removable eye. The idea in my head was to have Wolverine dealing the final blow as the eye was flying towards the camera. Couldn’t quite pull off what was in my head, but the results speak for themselves I guess.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.