Hold on to your SM9 Integrated Units, we're heading into the far reaches of space this week as we give the spotlight to none other than the Eradicator Hornet!
Rising from the aftermath of a brutal battle with his brothers and assimilating special Murder Hornet attributes, the Black Spartan is reborn as The Eradicator Hornet!
Scroll on to check out the (inter)stellar work of Nick, Lizzy & Jorge!
Name: Nick
Location: New Jersey, US
Inspiration: The inspiration behind this photo was the full out Sci-Fi nature of my first ever Mezco Krig figure! I knew the deep blacks of the figure would contrast well with the oranges and the purples and there would be no way I could not have him in flight!
Name: Lizzy
Location: Arizona, US
Inspiration: This figure is perfect for a lone ranger vibe. This is a character that is mysterious and doesn't take no for an answer. Who knows where he is coming from or where he is going, but one thing for sure... stay out of his way.
Name: Jorge
Location: Texas, US
Inspiration: The toy armor looks so cool so my goal was to try and capture the most I could of it while making it look as threatening as possible.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.