"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain…"
Every hero needs a villain so it's only right that we follow up last week's Fan Feature Friday with a big batch of baddies!
Straight from the printed pages of your favorite comics, these evildoers do a lot more than just look badass. They blow stuff up, wipe out half the population, have an unquenchable thirst for know, normal bad guy stuff!
Check out how Marc, Joe, Rendy, Seth, & Scott captured some of your favorite villains sporting their more classic comic looks below!
Name: Marc
Location: N/A
Inspiration: My inspiration for this figure was the Victorian Era Joker in the mindset of Jack the Ripper. As an unpredictable and very complicated homicidal maniac, I envision that he would likely have performed his own insane experiments on unsuspecting victims. With the expression face Mezco option he greets onlookers with a welcomed creepy smile and says "Please, join us". I take pride in being able to use these figures with practical effects without photoshop.
Name: Joe
Location: France
Inspiration: For this photo, I wanted to Red Skull with some kind of a special team in the background. Mezco's Doc Noc with his gas mask came in handy! I always thought this One:12 Collective version of Red Skull head sculpt had a Mike Mignola feel to it, with very angular features. I wanted to highlight this aspect with the lighting and have a simple yet iconic shot, with even Red Skull standing with one boot on Captain America's shield. I call this photo Red Skull Triumphant.
Name: Rendy
Location: Indonesia
Inspiration: My inspiration is chaos begins when two faces act!
Name: Seth
Location: Louisiana, US
Inspiration: The inspiration was from the infinity war posters and movie scenes and a few comic book references.
Name: Scott
Location: N/A
Inspiration: My inspiration for this shot was to capture Catwoman prowling Gotham's streets at night and to create a really narrow scene with a house she is looking to enter. This figure is such a stunning piece and heavily reminds me of an Arkham City Catwoman, one of my favorite Batman stories ever.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.