Fan Feature Friday #119 - Black Skull Death Brokers Edition

Fan Feature Friday #119 - Black Skull Death Brokers Edition

The Death Brokers have arrived to carry out their sole mission - dimensional annihilation!

According to official Void intel, the Black Skull Death Brokers have been employed as covert operatives who somehow got their hands on SMITH technology. These chameleon-like mercenaries travel in groups of 3 and are extremely deadly.

The Void is currently gathering information on the Death Brokers. Scroll on and check out their findings below.

Name: Madison
Location: Arizona, US
Inspriation: The box art alone is fire! The second I cracked these bad boys opened they gave me straight Reservoir Dog vibes so I tried my best to recreate that!

Name: Luis
Location: California, US
Inspiration: So this shot was inspired in part by the briefcase scene in Pulp Fiction. But, a little more than that, I just kind of imagine these guys to deal in the trading and acquiring of various dangerous contraband. This is my idea of what it might look like for these guys to come up on some highly coveted destructive goodies!

Name: Jake
Location: California, US
Inspiration: What's better than triplets? Easy, triplets in well-tailored suits who wear ties that match their eyes! I was going to a Charlie's Angels setup, but with a darker twist.

Name: Jose
Location: Texas, US
Inspiration: I had the Shark Toys Furious Tony figure on my desk when I received the Death Brokers, and felt they would be agents available to the highest bidder, for any nefarious deeds. I love the way all the green pops on these guys, so I added some green lights to add to that. Another satisfied customer, the Death Brokers never disappoint.

Name: Valis
Location: US
Inspiration: As soon as I put the batteries into the Death Brokers briefcase and opened it up, I knew that I had to re-create the kitchen scene from Pulp Fiction where Vincent Vega opens up Marcellus Wallace's briefcase to check its contents. When the green lit up the BSDB, I knew it was go time! I took a smoke from the PSCC Gig from Hell box set, set up the shot, and the rest is history!

Name: Russell
Location: New York, US
Inspiration: The Death Brokers are delivering an important package that needs serious attention!

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