An ancient tribe spoke of a figure draped in darkness with eyes as bright as fire, so powerful that he had an army of the living dead at his command. They called him the Death Dealer. With one swing of his axe, Death Dealer would execute any who visited his domain.

Based on the genre-defining works of master artist, Frank Frazetta, Death Dealer has arrived and is ready for the grim tasks at hand.

Scroll on to see how Angel, Juan, Charlie, and Johnny captured the menacing, armor-clad warrior.

Name: Angel
Location: California, US
Inspiration: Β From the moment I unboxed the figure, I felt the urge to photograph it. Death Dealer has an imposing feel to it, one particular cover came to mind and I wanted my shot to have the same feel one gets from looking at Frank's oil paintings. Death Dealer is a great homage to an iconic artist and a fantastic entry to the ONE:12 line

Name: Juan
Location: Florida, US
Inspiration: Shelf presence, Death Dealer has it in spades. My goal with this shot was simple, to show off how cool and menacing he looks simply standing there. The glowing red eyes and detailed rippling arm muscles certainly help.

Name: Charlie
Location: New York, US
Inspiration: For this photo of Death Dealer was to show thank you and appreciation to MezcoToyz for making an incredible piece of art come to life by the late great Frank Frazetta! I kept it simple to show just how amazing this figure looks! I have been "Dealt" the figure of the year

Name: Johnny
Location: California, US
Inspiration: Death dealer comes down from the mountain to cause more death.

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