Deck The Halls with @figurefan_nate! - Fan Feature Friday #121

Break out the egg nog, Fan Feature Friday is gettin' jolly with another Fan Takeover! Every so often, we'll be giving the reigns to a fellow Mezconian and allowing them to spotlight some of their favorite photographers in the community.
This week, @figurefan_nate decks the halls with the gift that keeps on giving... Holiday Gomez!
Scroll on to see what Nate had to say about Ash, Chris, and William and check out the festive flicks he chose to highlight!
Name: Ash
Nate said: When choosing shots for this Fan Feature Friday, I focused on accts I may not know as well peronally but I felt nailed the holiday theme. This is one of those shots that made me stop scrolling and stare. Holiday Gomez and his holiday Mez-Itz look right at home for holidays. Ash nailed the festive setup with all the props/accessories and the snow falling is the cherry on top. Great use of the diorama in the background to build the scene and lighting is on point!
Name: Chris
Nate said: If you scroll through Chris's gallery of work, it's clear that he has a LOT of love for Mezco. He is always posting shots of new and creative ideas to showcase his collection, this shot is no exception. I appreciate how he used a mixture of all the different Christmas related releases: bringing elements of Holiday Gomez, Cuzin Eddie, and other accessories from last years holiday advent calendar. The trees placed in the foreground and again in the background makes the shot feel grounded, the figures are a part of that world. Great work to all the artists featured and Happy holidays!
Name: William
Nate said: This is such a fun shot and instantly reminded me of celebrating Christmas when I was younger. Toys and video games were always a staple under my tree and I looked as happy as Vapor when I would open them. This shot is also a great showcase of some other members of the Rumble Society, bringing multiple figs together in a toy photo is never easy but always a treat to see. Seeing this shot really gets me in the holiday spirit!
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.