Some things won't stay dead...
We're just a few days away from something so exciting for Living Dead Dolls fans, it gives us chills! And in honor of week 2 of Mezco Toyz Fair, we're giving this week's spotlight to some of our favorite devilishly dreadful dolls. After all, deader IS better...
A little terror goes a long way, so scroll on and see how Antonio, Christian, Mancie and Carlos captured these cute and creepy corpses!
Be sure to tune into #MezcoToyzFair early next week to catch a glimpse of who wants to play dead!

Name: Antonio (@livingdeaddollspictures)
Location: Chile
Inspiration: There's a beautiful sentence from one of the death certificates written for a Living Dead Doll —Grace of the Grave— that states: ”If some dolls die, and then come back... Do they find in death, what in life they lacked?". I like to imagine LDD characters wandering around —like Posey here—, looking for that missing piece, that unfinished business that keeps them undead.

Name: Christian (@nait_sirhc)
Location: Uruguay
Inspiration: The inspiration behind this photography was to mix the darkness with the childhood. Damien is still a child, but a creepy one, so I tried to give him an obscure atmosphere to maintain his essence.
Name: Mancie (@eicnamslivingdeaddolls)
Location: England
Inspiration: I had been waiting for snow for so long to take photos of this doll! I got her ages ago and always liked to photograph Living Dead Dolls in a setting that matches their backstory, so the second we finally got snow here in London, this was the first thing I did.

Name: Carlos (@delacroixscarlotte)
Location: Spain
Inspiration: Eve's red eyes reflect hate and rage. When I took this picture (also edited) I wanted to create an atmosphere with red tones and a foggy apocalypse background to make her face more creepy. I do love Eve! 🖤
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.