"Prepare to know the true meaning of hell!"

We're ridin' in style for this week's Fan Feature Friday with none other than the Spirit of Vengeance himself, Ghost Rider!

After making a deal with a demon, a motorcycle stuntman became the feared Ghost Rider - who craves vengeances against the souls of those who would do harm in the world!

Rev up and read on to see how Charlie, Joseph, Tommy and Rupert captured Ghost Rider and his infamous Hell Cycle!

Name: Charlie (@boba_chuck)
Location: New York, US
Inspiration: The inspiration for this photo was the light up features frankly!  When you turn them on and shut the lights, it's nothing short of amazing! Picture doesn't even do it justice! This figure is literally,  FIRE! It definitely inspired me to take a picture of Ghost Rider coming out from the darkness on his Hell Cycle!

Name: Joseph (@wezeltoys)
Location: Texas, US
Inspiration:  My inspiration for behind the photo came from my love of portraits and watching Ghost Rider scenes on YouTube and wanting to do something with looking into his eye as he passes judgment!

Name: Tommy (@toyzwitattitudes)
Location: California, US
Inspiration: What inspired this scene/photo was the 2007 Ghost Rider Live action film. The figure itself gave a very nostalgic feel to the movie so I wanted to recreate a scene in that style of film

Name: Rupert (@rupert89)
Location: California, US
Inspiration: I have been wanting a Ghost Rider Figure to photograph for a while now. The moment I saw this figure I knew I had to get it. The details and unbelievable lighting effects made it such a badass figure. I tried my best
to do this figure and the character justice with my photography.

Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.