This week, we're step into the gaslit streets of Victorian Gotham with Batman in "Gotham by Gaslight" – where the Dark Knight trades his high-tech gadgets for a top hat and cape.
Taking place in the 19th century, Gotham by Gaslight depicts Batman’s debut just as Jack the Ripper arrives in Gotham City. Working with Inspector Gordon, Batman discovers the identity of the Ripper and uncovers the truth behind his parent’s death.
Travel back in time and see how Simon, Zach, Jason, Alonzo, Nathan & Casey captured the Caped Crusader.

Name: Simon (@sime_on_toast)
Location: Texas, US
Inspiration: With the release of the Victorian vigilante pack with the preorder of Gotham by Gaslight Batman I knew some fun times were ahead. I have always loved to see the action of Batman grappling away from danger so as soon as Batman was in, I had to take this shot (I think I took it within an hour of receiving the figure haha). It’s a simple idea but one that manages to be interesting every time I see it.

Name: Zach @greengeek88
Location: North Carolina, US
Inspiration: The inspiration from this shot just came from something I saw in my head. I wanted to create a scene of Batman patrolling the sky’s of Gotham on New Year’s Day.

Name: Jason (@jasonbmichael)
Location: Canada
Inspiration: I really wanted to work on lighting for this photo. Because the lampposts have a more candle-like orange hue, I thought it would be a nice little challenge to light. Also, in most of my photos of Batman and Joker, Joker has the upper hand. I wanted to continue that "tradition" by having Joker almost caught by Batman jumping from a rooftop. Sadly, Batman is too late and is greeted by Joker's calling cards as he flees the scene of his latest crime.

Name: Alonzo (@grownmentoys)
Location: Alabama, US
Inspiration: Just felt like posting Batman in all his glory using his grapple gun to take flight.

Name: Nathan (@figurefan_nate)
Location: Arizona, US
Inspiration: Gotham by Gaslight Batman was one of my favorite Mezco releases in 2023. I especially appreciate the Victorian-themed Batsuit and the included glider. It's such a unique and well-done One:12 figure. I was inspired to do a shot to show off the glider. Batman standing on the rooftops, getting ready to take flight over the city of Gotham. I hope to do more shots with him in 2024!

Name: Casey (@warrior_evans)
Location: Iowa, US
Inspiration: My inspiration for this shot was the Gotham by Gaslight comic. After receiving this beautiful figure I had to recreate some comic scenes.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.