Cowabunga dudes and dudettes! Meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael.
Fueled by their love for pizza and bonded by brotherhood, these shell-clad heroes show us that even the most unlikely champions can rise to greatness.
So grab a slice and join Matt, Jake, Kenwin, Michael, Chewie, & John on their adventurous journey through the sewers!

Name: Matt (@matchutoy)
Location: New York, US
Inspiration: I absolutely love this set, this was collab between 2 Sentinels and The Toy Daddies. I wanted to showcase the 4 brothers in this sewer Diorama by Lion-heart Dioramas.

Name: Jake (@agentgomez)
Location: California, US
Inspiration: Not only was TMNT one of my favorite shows and video game franchised growing up, but also some of the coolest toys. Mezco knocked it out of the sewer with these figures. I know it’s a bold statement but I can easily say these are some of the best figures in my entire collection! So I had to put them all together for a group shot!

Name: Kenwin (@kenwinpics_toys)
Location: Missouri, US
Inspiration: For this shot, I wanted to do a classic TMNT rooftop scene to showcase each of the turtle's unique personalities while doing surveillance on a New York City night.

Name: Michael (@insightful_imagery)
Location: California, US
Inspiration: Growing up watching the Ninja Turtles they were so entertaining. Always a wild ride of excitement and adventure. I tried to capture their enthusiasm with this awesome set of Mezco figures!

Name: Chewie (@no.chewing)
Location: Massachusetts, US
Inspiration: This photo was part of a collaboration with some of my favorite friends, whom I met through this hobby and we talk each day. In that sense, the inspiration for this photo was brotherhood. I imagined how each turtle would react at the start of a battle, Mikey was central with his playful excitement, Leo would be serious, Raph would be angry, and Donnie would be amused with curiosity.

Name: John (@jshot_820)
Location: New York, US
Inspiration: As a big ShellHead I was truly excited to get these figures! Our toy group decided to do a collab including myself, @Matchutoy, @YimboreviewsEverything, @Toy.father, and @No.Chewing. My shot pulls inspiration from the original Mirage comics, while also featuring some of the Turtle's personalities. Diorama is from @LionHeart_Dioramas and I have to give a special Thank you to @matchutoy for his help. COWABUNGA!
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.