"Calling Dick Tracy, calling Dick Tracy. Be on the lookout for Flattop Jones!"
When black marketeers hire the notorious contract killer Flattop Jones Sr. to eliminate Detective Dick Tracy, the stage is set for a colossal clash of cops and robbers. Flattop's reputation as an unstoppable hitman is on the line as he faces off against the determined detective.
Will Flattop fulfill his deadly mission, or will Dick Tracy bring him to justice? Scroll on and find out! See how Casey, Ian, Simon, Steven, Rupert and John brought the legendary crime-stopper and rogues gallery hitman to life!

Name: Casey (@warrior_evans)
Location: Iowa, US
Inspiration: In this photo, I wanted to capture Tracy being too focused on his target, and he didn’t realize he had another enemy ready to take him out.
Name: Ian (@ian_saunders_photography)
Location: Tennessee, US
Inspiration: The inspiration for this photo came from the hardboiled detective stories of the 30’s and 40’s. A friend once told me that many of my photos show the moments before or after the action, but rarely show the action itself. So this was an attempt to go outside of my comfort zone while staying true to my aesthetic and style.

Name: Simon (@sime_on_toast)
Location: Texas, US
Inspiration: Though I don’t have a huge breadth of knowledge about the Dick Tracy cast of characters, I see Flat Top and the other rogues getting into all sorts of bad business. I wanted to have these baddies inspecting a small batch of contraband at the docks, under the nose of Dick Tracy and other law enforcement.

Name: Steven (@sorry_tr4k)
Location: California, US
Inspiration: I have been a huge Dick Tracy fan dating back to the 1990 film by Warren Beatty. The movie was a gateway to the amazing Chester Gould comics and Flattop has an amazing and violent arc in those comics, it's wild! I guess this shot was inspired by that.

Name: Rupert (@rupert89)
Location: California, US
Inspiration: My inspiration for this shot was to showcase all the incredible detail and craftsmanship put into creating these amazing action figures! I’ve always been a fan of Dick Tracy and his many villains especially him having the first smartwatch! I wanted to create an epic action scene with both characters engaging in a shootout. Dick Tracy backed into a corner knowing that he’ll somehow, someway find a way to overcome and capture Flattop.

Name: John (@emerald_knight_photos)
Location: Texas, US
Inspiration: My inspiration for this photo comes from my deep love of classic gangster films. I wanted to capture the iconic moment of Dick Tracy getting the upper hand on his notorious nemesis, Flattop, bringing that timeless cinematic tension to life.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.