Goongala! Casey Jones isn’t just a vigilante—he’s a one-man wrecking crew with a hockey mask and a bad attitude. Armed with street smarts and a rebellious streak, he dishes out justice faster than you can say “Foot Clan.” Whether he's brawling alongside the TMNT or cleaning up New York solo, Casey’s got one goal: keeping the city safe, one beatdown at a time.
Crime doesn't stand a chance when Casey's in the game with the help of Scott, Martyn, Edgar, Max, Alonzo, & Jimmy!

Name: Scott (@scott.bline)
Location: West Virginia, US
Inspiration: I wanted to try creating a background similar to Batman the Animated Series, and I thought the red would go well with Casey’s blue outfit. I always have a lot of fun with these backgrounds, and I liked how the clouds turned out.

Name: Martyn (@whatsup.danger)
Location: England
Inspiration: This shot was hugely inspired by the perspective fellow photographer @sgtbananas had posted. I love playing with different angles to sell the story. In this case, Casey is on the hunt and just looking badass!

Name: Edgar (@OC_Nerd_Swagger)
Location: California, US
Inspiration: I’m a huge TMNT fan and as soon as you guys released the turtles four pack and Casey Jones. I knew I had to pay homage to the original TMNT movie. I wanted to capture the dark and grimy tone of the film in my shot.

Name: Max (@maxfisch3r)
Location: Canada
Inspiration: Casey Jones is my favorite TMNT character. With this picture, I was trying to envision what his apartment would look like. I figured it would be like a dingy Play It Again Sports shop.

Name: Alonzo (@grownmentoys)
Location: Alabama, US
Inspiration: The inspiration came from the Deadpool and Wolverine movie. I thought it would be a cool moment putting these 2 together for a battle against The Foot Clan.

Name: Jimmy (@yimboreviewseverything)
Location: New Jersey, US
Inspiration: I was SO excited when my fellow TPC Toy Daddy @Toy.Father was able to get me this figure at SDCC! This Casey casts such an imposing silhouette that the idea of him glaring down at the crime below just had to come to life. Like every Mezco figure I get my hands on, all it takes is a detailed head sculpt or slick accessory to get the creativity flowing!
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.