After the chaos of Thanksgiving and the many food comas that followed, it’s time to kick back and relax with some good ol' fashioned Rumbler madness. 🍽
While Vapor, Nosferatu, Gomez, and Bart Vex are ready to bring the fight, we’re here to bring the fun. So, whether you're recovering from that second helping (or judgment) of mashed potatoes or training for your next brawl, Rumble Society's got you covered.
We hope your holiday was filled with the right mix of food, fun, and, of course, a bit of mayhem. Scroll on to see how Chris, Max, Johnny, Martyn, Alexander and Sam spent the holidays with their favorite Rumblers! 🦃

Name: Chris (@notabirdnotaplanephotography)
Location: Florida, US
Inspiration: The idea for this photo came to me as a Horror film. What if the dead turkey came to life and fought back? If that happened in real life that would definitely be scary.

Name: Max (@maxfisch3r)
Location: Canada
Inspiration: I really can’t stand turkey. It’s always dry, flavorless, and somehow manages to be both boring and overhyped. Plus, if you’re not careful, it comes with a free side of salmonella poisoning 😂

Name: Johnny (@2actiontoys)
Location: Mexico
Inspiration: I imagined what a dinner at Count Orlok's castle would be like, so I played with lights, shadows, and a little smoke.

Name: Martyn (@whatsup.danger)
Location: England
Inspiration: Being English I do not celebrate Thanksgiving however I have American (even Canadian) friends who got my inspiration juices flowing and thought what better way to wish my American brothers and sisters a Happy Thanksgiving than a photograph 😅

Name: Alexander (@knight_terrorsz)
Location: New Jersey, Us
Inspiration: I wanted to explore the horror and revenge aspects from the perspective of Turkeys during Thanksgiving. My goal was to have this scene reference the period setting of when the English (“Pilgrims”) celebrated the first “Thanksgiving” with the Wampanoag at Plymouth, during the autumn of the year 1621.

Name: Sam (@sammydelco)
Location: Abu Dhabi
Inspiration: I was really stoked when I first saw that you guys were releasing a Holiday Gomez as the figure and its accessories all looked like so much fun. It just worked so well with that old Muppet Kitchen set to evoke those feelings of prepping a holiday meal while listening to some tunes.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.