Fan Feature Friday #20 - Cosplay Edition

Welcome to Fan Feature Friday #20! In celebration of International Cosplay Day this weekend, we wanted to give the spotlight to a few members of the community who enjoy bringing their favorite characters to life.
Are you celebrating International Cosplay Day this weekend? We want to see! Make sure to tag us in your pics across social media.
Name: @thedarkshape_78
Location: Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Inspiration behind photo: "My Cosplay is Part 2 Jason; he is my favorite version as there is something about the sack with one eye hole that makes it more mysterious and more terrifying. My father used to dress up as Part 2 Jason when we would go camping and he would always try and scare me, so it is a staple from my childhood."
Name: Brad B.
Location: Westfield, Indiana
Inspiration behind photo: "The inspiration behind the cosplay was just how much I fell in love with Gomez the first time I saw him."
Last but not least, we wanted to highlight the everyday cosplayer. Here's to our honorary members of the Aqua Knights and Chaos Club!
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