As you know, #One12Day has officially begun, and we’re beyond excited to see your most creative shots! 🚨 Need a little inspo to kick things off? Let’s rewind and celebrate the grand winners from the last couple of years. These legends, Ramon, Steve and Gabriel brought 🔥 with their epic lighting, storytelling setups, and jaw-dropping attention to detail. Their work shows just how much this community can shine. So, grab your figs and join the fun—every snap tells a story. What will yours say? 📸✨
Ready to enter? Head to our Instagram and Blog for all the details on how to participate! 🚀
Name: Ramon (@rated_r_for_ramon)
Location: Nevada, US
Inspiration: I had first received the Deathstroke from a close friend a few days before the One:12 Day 2022 contest, and got inspiration for this shot from the 2016 Deathstroke vs Batman comic run, Deathstroke #30 I believe. The fight and the panel I chose were so fierce that I just had to try to put it into plastic using an old necklace chain, a piece of glass with the figures on top, and framed in front of my television with a stock skyscraper wallpaper I had found online. This shot took around 3 days and probably 40 or 50 takes of readjusting and posing because I really wanted to highlight the struggle between them through the Supreme Knights face sculpt and their body language. Waking up to notifications congratulating me before I even saw the results on the Mezco website made all the back pain from sitting in front of my desk worth it, and all the figures still stand proud in my display case today!

Name: Steve (@daddygorebucks)
Location: Oregon, US
Inspiration: Love how Nosferatu's presence is hauntingly captured here, total magic!
Name: Gabriel (@gbalda)
Location: New York, US
Inspiration: I had a million ideas for this shot… but everything got reduced to… how many Mezco's can I fit into a @grimesitty phone booth… I will let you guess. Are they coming out? Are they going in? Does it even matter? Those are questions that haunt me to this day!
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.