In the misty swamps behind Gangreene Estates, Aleister Gangreene waits. Cursed by otherworldly spores in 1767, he now haunts the bog—watching, guarding, and ensuring no trespasser escapes.
Legends speak of those who vanished after wandering too close, leaving only eerie whispers behind. Some say Aleister collects trophies from his victims. Others believe he’s bound to the estate until it claims its next soul. Scroll on to see how Sal, Kris, Paige, & Christian made it through 👇
But remember: once you enter Gangreene Estates, there’s no turning back😱

Name: Sal (@omega_red)
Location: California, US
Inspiration: I wanted to give the creepy vibe of Aleister walking through the graveyard looking for his next victim.

Name: Kris (@optimus.krime)
Location: Canada
Inspiration: Aleister patrols the grounds of Gangreene Estates at night, looking for any unfortunate lost wanderers.

Name: Paige (@thetoypaige)
Location: Florida, US
Inspiration: I got the inspiration for this photo from the movie Predator 2! As soon as I saw the bloody spine and skull accessory, I immediately thought this is how Aleister celebrates catching people on the Gangreene grounds!

Name: CP (@c_pow3rs)
Location: South Carolina, US
Inspiration: I wanted to showcase most of what the figure comes with and make the viewer question what will happen next. I imagined him being in a dimly lit space and the moon shining in to let him know it was time to check the grounds of Gangreene Estates.
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