Fan Feature Friday #22 - Gambit Edition

Welcome to Fan Feature Friday: Gambit Edition. Remy Etienne LeBeau, better known as Gambit, has long been a fan favorite of the X-Men series. Known for his ability to manipulate kinetic energy, Gambit is a slick and charming anti-hero.
Continue reading to find out the inspiration behind this week's explosive character.
Name: Gene L.
Location: San Francisco, CA
Inspiration behind photo: "Narratives of characters like Gambit from the comics inform the mood and style of how I want to portray the amazing figures made by Mezco Toyz. The physicality and articulation of the figure in my hands move the clothed puzzle in real time 3D space, sans computer, where i 'animate' my own action comic in my mind, spinning the figure and twisting it into a somersault. The elegant arc of the special fx piece from Mezco informed Gambit's acrobatic pose. And since Gambit rocked magenta and cyan in the comics, I wanted to reinforce his signature colors."
Name: Kevin E.
Location: East Lansing, MI
Inspiration behind photo: "This was the very first photo I took of Gambit, and I had to show off his mutant power. Shining a very focused light through the effect piece brought the charged cards to life!"
Name: @sincity_collectibles
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Inspiration behind photo: "Gambit was actually the first 1/12 scale action figure I bought with my allowance money back in the day so naturally when Mezco created their own version I had to have it. Once I had it in hand I couldn’t stop posing him around. Like most of the One:12 line the effects that came with him were highly detailed and for this shot I really wanted to show how amazing Gambit’s kinetic energy looked with simple lighting."
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.