Fan Feature Friday #23 - Caped Crusader Edition

Welcome to Fan Feature Friday #23! With Batman day upon us, it only seemed appropriate to honor The Caped Crusader in this week's blog post.
Earlier this week, we asked you to nominate your favorite toy photographers on social. The Mezco community has always been abundant with talent, and we loved seeing those you tagged. Below are three of your favorite creators: Avicenna, Azwan, and Reese. Continue scrolling for some Bat-tastic photos! 🦇
Name: Avicenna I.
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Inspiration behind photo: "The inspiration for the shot would be Batman as a symbol. See how I borrowed the quotes from Batman Begins in the caption of my post. The 'As a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.' "
Name: Azwan K.
Location: Selangor, Malaysia
Inspiration behind photo: "My inspiration for this photo came from comics. A silent guardian a watchful protector! BATMAN watches over Gotham City from a rooftop in the night with blowing cape and thus giving this shot an extra cinematic feel to it."
Name: Reese A.
Location: Massachusetts
Inspiration behind photo: "I wanted to make Batman look menacing and give him a scary feel. I tried my best to give a low amount of light, while still able to see everything. I wanted it to be like Batman was scarily watching over the Joker, while the Joker is aware he is there but doesn’t care. The main focus of the photo was to make it seem like Batman was fed up with Joker, wanting to finally put an end to the mess he causes. Joker stands smiling with not a care in the world that Batman is going to put him down."
Be sure to stay alert this weekend for our new Batman Supreme Knight Solicit, as well as more fun surprises. Check it out on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.