Fan Feature Friday #25 - Gomez & Friends Edition

Welcome to Fan Feature Friday #25! This week we are celebrating your favorite Roach (Gomez, duh!) and friends. Keep scrolling to see what they've been up to in the last few weeks. Thank you to Eric, Juan, and Joshua for allowing us to feature you this week!
Name: Eric R.
Location: Seattle, Washington
Inspiration behind photo: "I love the Baron Bends figure, I feel it executes the idea of a deep sea dwelling human perfectly. The bottom of the ocean can be a dark, lonely place and that helps conjure some of those emotions whenever I photograph him. From the low end of the emotional spectrum (despair, loneliness, isolation) to the high end emotions (excitement from exploration, awe, and wonder). This shot has him right out of the water, pondering where he’s been on his journey and unsure where he’s going."
Name: Juan S.
Location: Orange Park, Florida
Inspiration behind photo: "My inspiration for this photo came from watching Batman: Mask of the Phantasm. For those who haven't seen it (what's wrong with you?) there's a scene in which Bruce Wayne fights off some thugs robbing a street vendor. One of them charges him on his bike, chain in hand, only to be met with a leaping fist from Bruce. It's always been one of my favorite visuals from that film and I just got the urge to recreate it. Thought a flying kick seemed more Gomez's style."
Name: Joshua Rosario O.
Location: Vega Baja, Puerto Rico
Inspiration behind photo: "I’ve always loved to see the different worlds and genres Mezco puts Gomez into. It’s exciting how you can create a story for Gomez without having fans say “oh, he would never do that”. Gomez does what he wants, when he wants and however he wants and if you don’t like it, well Gomez has your response right there in the picture lol. So ultimately, Gomez and his personality inspired me for this shot."
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.