Fan Feature Friday #31 - Doc Nocturnal Edition

This week, we’re prescribing just what the Doc ordered!
Straight from the serial screens, radio shows, and pulp pages of yesteryear, the Phantom Knight is taking over this week’s Fan Feature Friday! Read on to learn more about what inspired Spectral Agents Joe, Jorge, and Niko.
Name: Joe Y.
Location: New Milford, NJ
Inspiration behind photo: "This photo was inspired by the Doc Nocturnal comic. It's a shot of him in front of an ominous dungeon where he just slayed countless monsters and freaks. He emerged unscathed, still grinning, and ready for more."
Name: Jorge F.
Location: Staten Island, NY
Inspiration behind the photo: "My inspiration was the black and white movies I would watch as a kid just trying to recreate a scene where our hero comes from a dungeon, trying to rescue someone but with a certain and intimidating attitude towards his enemies. Since I am a fan of that era I love the werewolf and vampire movies. The doctor gives you the opportunity to recreate all of the amazing movies. He just gives you an abundance of ideas. Lastly, I would like to thank my wife since she is a big role in my photos, advising me what looks good and what doesn’t. I don’t know what us photographers would do without that help."
Name: Niko M.
Location: NY
Inspiration behind the photo: "I drew inspiration for my shot straight from the included comic of Doc Nocturnal. Those last few pages of him tearing through the Whistleman’s Woods was intense and I knew I needed to try and capture that immediately."
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