Fan Feature Friday #34

John Wick, Deadpool, The Dark Knight Rises - what do all of these movies have in common, besides dozens of hours we'll never get back (and will gladly re-live over again)? Only some of the best fight scenes in movie history!
This week's Fan Feature Friday theme is "Badass Brawls", because who doesn't love a good 'ol scuffle? Keep on scrolling to see Ted, Niels, and Marvin's comic book inspired fights. From a little Marvel madness to our very own Doc Nocturnal, all the cool kids are throwing punches. Not that we're condoning violence, or anything...
Name: Ted B.
Location: Hollywood California
Inspiration behind photo: “I’ve been a Mezco Popeye fan from way back! I have the entire collection of the late 90’s line. And when you started doing them in One:12 style I was obsessed. Something about Popeye captures my imagination. I don’t know if it’s the underdog’s ability to stand up to bullies, the wild adventures on the high seas, or the odd worlds and characters of Segar’s imagination, but I love it. As soon as the Stormy Seas set was announced I had to do a shot where Bluto got the upper hand! He’s simply gorgeous and needed to be showcased! We know Popeye is gonna come back strong (he always does) but it wouldn’t be good storytelling if there wasn’t a chance that the bad guy is gonna win. And there’s always that chance. I can only hope we get an Olive Oyl someday to complete the storytelling!”
Name: Niels VR.
Location: Tilburg, Netherlands
Inspiration behind photo: “This picture is Inspired by the last page in the Doc Nocturnal Comic book; the image spoke to me a lot! and since I had both Count Orlok and Doc Nocturnal figures I thought, lets recreate this awesom image.”
Name: Marvin V.
Location: Philippines
Inspiration behind photo: “The inspiration behind this shot is to show that how the Marvel Knights solve their problems which is by blood and bruises. I also wanted to show the poses the figures could do and how it can express pain and no mercy.”
See you next week! In the meantime, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for your latest Mezco news.