Fan Feature Friday #4 - PSCC Edition

We are excited to bring you our fourth Fan Feature Friday today! This week, The Pink Skulls Chaos Club decided to take over the blog (so typical of them!).
It was difficult to choose from all the amazing PSCC photos, but this week we bring you Kadir, VinFaith, and Josh. Let us know what you love the most about your favorite hooligan trio in the comments.
Name: Kadir A.
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Inspiration behind photo: Whacky, Zany, Fun and much more comes to mind when it comes to the PSCC. It’s always been a pleasure taking shots of these guys, but the reason behind this specific photo was mainly because I just got my hands on a Rock Concert Trusses Diorama courtesy of @529_jay (complete with Stage Set Lights) along with those fine looking custom Pillars/Columns made by @dioramago. So, immediately I just had to make this Rock Concert happen, with these guys as the stars! One of the greatest figures by @mezcotoyz and definitely my personal favorite.💀💀💀🤘🏻
Name: VinFaith
Location: Paris, France
Inspiration behind photo: I was so looking forward to take those 3 in pictures. I think they represent everything that we love about 1/12 figure and especially with MezcoToys. They have something pretty bad ass and nicely dumb at the same time. In a team, there is always one person a bit more lefty, I was trying to show that they don't take things seriously and this specific one didn't send away the Molotov cocktail long enough, I wanted to feel the legendary "oh, crap..." . I will try to redo this shot to be more satisfied with it!
Name: Josh R.
Location:Simi Valley, California
Inspiration behind photo: First of all, I love getting shots of the PSCC and how much fun you can have with this little crew. I got a lot of inspiration for this photo from the stop motions you guys released where they seemed like they where in a band, and I thought if course the pSCC would have an album cover if they had a band. I wanted to get out there and get a shot also inspired from old band covers with a little bit of PSCC chaos.
Keep an eye out next week for a special Fan Feature Friday Announcement. And in the meantime, stop by and say hello on our Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.