Fan Feature Friday #40 - Dr. Zaius Edition

"🎶...Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius...🎶"
This week, we're takin' it all the way back to 1968 and highlighting our favorite resident of Ape City - Dr. Zaius!
Leading member of the Ape National Assembly, Dr. Zaius served a dual role in ape society as the Minister of Science and the Chief Defender of the Faith.
Keep scrollin' to find out the inspiration behind this week's shots from Paul, Benny, and Kyle.
Name: Paul
Location: Arizona, US
Inspriation: Dr. Zaius is proclaiming to his tribe the heresy of mankind. He is always keeping the faith whilst also a huge proponent of science.

Name: Benny
Location: Florida, US
Inspiration: I drew my inspiration from the figure itself, it's hard to not have a bunch of ideas as soon as you start posing this fig. I removed his jacket and placed it on another figure, the Dr would have been very angey at the sight of someone wear such a fine coat. So much so that he allowed the idea of revenge to wash over him in an awesome wave...
Name: Kyle
Location: Indiana, US
Inspiration: Planet of the Apes is one of my all time favorite movies, and Dr. Zaius is my favorite character. I imagine him twisting the minds of the ape community about the evils of man while they all stand before him with torches lit.
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