Fan Feature Friday #44 - Iron Fist Edition

"I am the Iron Fist. I hold back the storm when nothing else can."
After defeating Shou-Lao the Undying, Danny Rand becomes the immortal Iron First and learns how to harness his immense power to save others and fight honorable battles.
This week, we're taking a look at the master of martial arts through the eyes of Angel, K.Lee, and Alonzo.
Name: Angel
Location: N/A
Inspiration: I have been reading comics since I was ten years old and I like to use action figures to recreate comic moments. Daredevil has always been inspiring for his courage, inteligence, agility regardless of his disability. Iron Fist is a strong and cunning warrior. Heroes inspire us to be selfless and hopeful, specially on uncertain times like the one we are living on rigth now.
Name: K. Lee
Location: California, US
Inspiration: Iron Fist is famously known to fight multiple combatants (especially ninjas) and one quick way to end this battle is to concentrate his Chi into one powerful,effective punch. The Shou Lao dragon punch effect was the perfect accessory for this shot.
Name: Alonzo
Location: Alabama, US
Inspiration: The day I shot this awesome figure I just felt like using some practical effects in the shot and doing something different from what everyone else was. I figured everyone else had him fighting so I thought I would put him in a meditated state. You guys made a awesome Iron Fist figure and I’m looking forward to more releases. Especially that new Wolverine and the G.I.Joe line!
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.