Fan Feature Friday #45 - Gomez: Hazard Squad Commander Edition

“When the going gets too tough for the tough to get going, there is only one thing left to do…call in the Hazard Squad!”
He ain’t your typical subway roach! This week, the spotlight is on the leader of the Hazard Squad - Commander Gomez! Keep scrolling to see what adventures lie ahead, featuring the work of Bryan, Nate, and Chris!
Name:Bryan D.
Location:Lomita, CA
Inspiration: The inspiration behind this photo was to show the expressive qualities and true bad ass nature of Hazard Gomez. The PSCC outnumber him, 2 to 1, but they have no idea who they're f*&%ing with. "2 on 1? I like my chances."- Hazard Gomez
Name:Nate B.
Inspiration:Hazard Squad Gomez is my new favorite version of the character. I wanted to do a shot that showed off some of the things included and the awesome light-up eye feature. I used the included dio as the backdrop and added a bunch of the accessories into the shot to fill out the scene. It was a blast to put together and it makes me excited to the future of the Hazard Squad team. Thanks Mezco!

Name: Chris M.
Location: Renton, WA
Inspiration: For some pictures I have complex pre-planned setups, others are more on the fly. For this one I had a few minutes before work the morning after unboxing my Bodega & I was still excited, so I wanted to get a jump on showing him off. For this photo I needed to illuminate the interior "Void Chamber" so I used my Lumecube as a prop to provide light, but also simulate a 3d Projector in conjunction with the video screen. Gomez is showing the "new guy" around HQ so this is his (my) 1st meeting with the mysterious Void.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.