Fan Feature Friday #46 - Krig Edition

Aqua Knights beware, The Krig are coming...
The Krig are legendary one-man-army super soldiers, built from flesh and fused with machines. Their sole mission: fight, win, survive!
Let's welcome the newest edition to the Rumble Society featuring the work of Kenwin, J, and Trevor!
Name: Kenwin
Location: Missouri, US
Inspiration: I wanted to play with the idea of Krig-13 being a bounty hunter and traveling to Mad Max-esque planets, beating up alien scum to help maintain order in the universe.
Name: J
Location: Pennsylvania, US
Inspiration: The wonderful sci-fi element that Krig brings to the Rumble Society got me thinking of setting up a pic akin to the poster of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The mist, the light at the end of it all, the depth/perspective of the road, but with a twist. To finish it off I had to have my duo of protagonists, WSA and Gomez, armed to the teeth like a couple of Ghostbusters, looking at Krig, then looking at each other, and arguing over which one of 'em pissed Krig off, as if they were about to battle Gozer. This was an incredibly fun pic to put together!
Name: Trevor
Location: New York, US
Inspiration: I got the Blood Krig first and didn't have a chance to open it until the black 13 came in. Looking at them both together I knew I had to shoot them as partners! I felt they needed to be in a raw spaceship environment and this new diorama worked perfectly. I chose an overall blue key light to give it a gritty sci-fi feel.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.