Fan Feature Friday #55 - The Pale Drivers Edition

Hold onto your SM9 Integrated Units...we're deploying the Pale Drivers!
Built by The Smiths, Krig are super soldiers, manufactured as an army of one. The Pale Drivers are an infamous five-man unit that executed the incursion on Solomon 9.
This week, we're deploying a famous three-man unit consisting of Justin, Jason, and Anthony - check out their work below!
Name: Justin
Location: Chicago, US
Inspiration: This photo was inspired by classic character selection menus; Halo, Mortal Kombat , Street Fighter. I wanted to show how your character poses while you wait to start the game. So many different varieties and looks for Krig , you can choose who which one you wanna be.
Name: Jason
Location: N/A
Inspiration: I love cold weather, and I love cold, snowy weather even more. When The Pale Drivers Krig was made available, I knew that I needed it, given his roots as a cold-weather operator and my love for cold and snow. I already had this photo in mind before even having him in hand. The vision was Krig in poncho standing in a clearing on a snowy wooded planet searching for his target.
Name: Anthony
Location: Azusa, US
Inspiration: The Pale Drivers is easily my favorite of The Krig. The Black and White color combo has really set this design off and is just so much fun to take photos of. The Krig have become some of my favorite Mezco figures and I'm stoked for the next release.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.