Black book? Check. Vandal varnish? Check. Marker mops? Check.
Meet Vapor - him and his crew are known for throwin’ up color on the streets and claiming the city as their canvas.
This week, we're heading to the concrete jungle and showcasing the work of Isaiah, Kenwin, Alonzo and Jehiel.
Name: Isaiah
Location: Alabama, US
Inpiration: My inspiration for the shot- I imagined vapor finishing up his graffiti and someone yelling at him so in return they get the finger.
Name: Kenwin
Location: St. Louis, US
Inpiration: I simply wanted to capture a moment in the life of Vapor's vibrant but dangerous life doing graffiti outside of his own territory. It's hard being an artist in these streets!
Name: Alonzo
Location: Alabama, US
Inpiration: Inspiration behind shot. The bolt cutters inspired me to do this photo of breaking and entering. Cutting the gate so he could get inside to do some graffiti. Awesome figure loaded with accessories!
Name: Jehiel
Location: San Diego, US
Inpiration: When taking this shot, I wanted to capture the artist, evaluating his art. Like with any art medium, I often take a step back and evaluation my shots. Also the articulation in Vapor was too good to not take advantage of.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.