All smiles here! This week, we’re giving the spotlight to Gotham City’s infamous and unpredictable villain, The Joker - and it’s no laughing matter!
Inspired by his vintage comic book appearances, this maniacal madman carries around a valise filled with tools of his trade.
So let’s take a trip back to the 19th century alongside Nick, Fosco and Zachery.
Name: Nick
Location: Illinois, US
Inspiration: I was inspired to create this shot after listening to the Anthony Warlow version of "Alive" from the Jekyll & Hyde musical, and thought it was a very fitting setting for this 1800's Joker. I tried to capture a moment of Joker walking down an empty alleyway, on his way to commit a new sinister crime!
Name: Fosco
Location: Florida, US
Inspiration: Honestly it was the stunning eyes and incredible detailing of the head sculpts that drew me in. The inspiration for the picture is the 1928 horror film "The Man Who Laughs". I knew I was on to something when my wife said "Wow, that's a picture of a toy?"
Name: Zachary
Location: Indiana, US
Inspiration: My inspiration for this particular shot came mostly from the 89 Keaton film. I saw this joker living in a Gotham such as the one Tim Burton had designed. I don't see him out and about during the day so I set it at night. Bundled up in his beautiful coat and top hat, he makes his way to his destination as the chilly wind blows newspapers by his feet. I don't always need a reason or purpose for an image, but I do look for a purpose in what the figure is doing in the shot. For example what could I photograph him doing that would require him wearing his entire dapper outfit you guys created for him. Thus I came up with crossing the Gotham Streets.
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