Come one, come all, to our second Fan (Art) Feature Friday!
These Rumblers are so terribly conceited, your pictures weren’t enough - they wanted drawings too...and you did not disappoint! Gomez is even thinkin' of hangin' a few at the Hazard Squad Command Center...
Let’s take a look at these awesome depictions of some of your favorite Rumblers featuring the work of Anthony, Kenn, and Bill!
Name: Anthony
Location: California, US
Inspiration: The Black Skull Death Brigade led by the White Skull Agent seems very intimidating to me. So to see a whole pack of them together coming at you just sounded terrifying. Hence why I made this piece.
Name: Kenn
Location: United Kingdom
Inspiration: Lone Roach and Grub slashing through anything including a pink Gashadokuro. The moment I saw this character I knew I just had to draw them in the ukiyo-e style and I'm glad it turned out better than I expected.
Name: Bill
Location: New Hampshire
Inspiration: The inspiration was kind of a Skull Island analog. Strange Tales with different Gomez skeleton characters and giant monsters.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.