Is it a robot? An alien? A mechanic? Well actually, it’s all three! That's right, this week we're giving you an in-depth look on one of our most war-hungry Rumblers, Hawk P-40! A one-man (or should we say humanoidxs) war machine, Hawk P-40 has just what he needs when it comes to getting down n' dirty.
Let us gaze upon these awesome action shots featuring the work of Javier, Salvador, Matt, Juan and Ryan!
Name: Javier
Location: New York, US
Inspiration: The inspiration of this shot was pretty simple. The jacket is amazing and I felt like the female Robot on his back was his long lost love and I wanted to place 90% of the attention on that one spot.
Name: Salvador
Location: California, US
Inspiration: My photo was inspired by my love for sci-fi action movies. I wanted people to feel like they're in a action movie. in the photo I titled "Hazard Squad.
Name: Matt
Location: Texas, US
Inspiration: I was super excited to get this figure as well as trying this explosion trick. Hawk P-40 became the perfect one to show off the effect. I wanted it to have an action movie feel to it.
Name: Juan
Location: Florida, US
Inspiration: Hawk P-40 is such a fun character to shoot, he just oozes personality right out of the box. The tank head in particular exudes a pulpy heavy-metal mayhem vibe that was an absolute joy to capture.
Name: Ryan
Location: Connecticut, US
Inspiration: I’ve been anticipating this figure ever since the first teaser image about a year ago. I’m former Navy so the Sailor Jerry inspired design on the back of the flight jacket was right up my alley. This shot summarizes how I see this character: when the LZ is compromised and the lines are overrun, just send in Hawk P40 to get that mission successfully completed. No man left behind.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.