O Missedmas Tree, O Missedmas Tree, how delayed are thy shipments...
These Rumblers may not always get along, but they set aside their differences for dinner and brawl till they're black and blue for dessert. Just like every family, right? We wonder who made the naughty list this year... (lookin' at you, Eddi.)
Scroll on and celebrate the festive season with the work of Toypunk, Jesse, Kingston, Thomas, Bryan, and Sal.
Name: Toypunk
Location: Illinois, US
Inspiration: I absolutely love the recently released Holiday themed Rumble society figs and wanted to do a Christmas photo using them . I figured who better to be showing up to the Christmas Party then Holiday Gomez and the infamous Cousin Eddie. Arriving with gifts and booze in hand they are ready to party!
Name: Jesse
Location: California, US
Inspiration: The inspiration for this photo was just the Christmas spirit and getting together with your favorite cousin and having a good time. Growing up I would always look forward to Christmas and seeing my cousin so doing this shoot with Gomez and Cousin Eddie really took me back to those memories and the recent ones we’ve made now that we’re both adults and celebrate a little differently now, we open more bottles on Christmas than presents much like Gomez and Cousin Eddie here. Shooting these guys definitely got me into the Christmas spirit and looking forward to seeing my cousin come Christmas Day.
Name: Kingston
Location: Virginia, US
Inspiration: We wanted to start a Christmas countdown for the 12 days of Christmas. Never been a fan of the old elf on the shelf so we decided to make it a lot cooler by having Gomez roaming around  the house posing with all our decorations. A new Christmas  tradition started.
Name: Thomas
Location: New York, US
Inspiration: Inspiration for this photo was celebrating the holidays season with Friends and Family. Â I got so many amazing Mezco figures this year, I thought it would be fun to show them celebrating the holidays, from Gomez to ,Mosssquatch, from Skulls and Vapor.. and Popeye..
Name: Bryan
Location: California, US
Inspiration: My inspiration for this shot was to create a fun and festive holiday scene of the Rumble Society where they weren't trying to beat the %$@# out of each other. The holidays bring people together to set aside their differences and embrace the motto, "Eat, drink, be merry." In my eyes the Rumble Society are no different and want the same.
Name: Sal
Location: California, US
Inspiration: I love the holiday season and wanted to show that through this picture and my love for barbecuing.
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.