In honor of the box office success of The Batman & our new One:12 Collective The Batman, we're giving the spotlight to none other than Vengeance himself!
Everybody knows the streets of Gotham run rampant with crime. The Caped Crusader dons his iconic scalloped cape and pointed cowl, takes to the night sky, and strikes fear into his enemies and hope into his community.
Scroll on to see how Lin, Fabian, Tyler, Cole & Mr. Mad Orange captured the World's Greatest Detective.
Name: Lin
Location: Myanmar
Inspiration: I took this as a reference from the style of the Batman 89 movie.
Name: Fabian
Location: Germany
Inspiration: Batman always have been my favorite Superhero. This brave but also sad Character standing in the rain, watching over his City is the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about the Sovereign Knight. That's what inspired me to take this shot.
Name: Tyler
Location: United States
Inspiration: It's well known that Mezco Toys are some of the most photogenic figures on the market. This figure in particular stands out with it's incredible sculpt work on the suit as well as some impressive head sculpts. Most of the Batman photos that get shown are of Batman with his full mask on, and so I wanted to take one that showcased the Bruce Wayne head sculpt that came with this figure. It is a unique head sculpt that fits the vibe of the figure so well. And let's not forget the wired cape! Everyone loves a good wired cape. Because of how poseable it is, I wanted to do a shot with the cape flaring across the entire photo!
Name: Cole
Location: United States
Inspiration: My inspiration for this photo was driven by my love for Batman. I wanted to create a scene where Batman is menacingly standing over the joker. I tried my best to portray the Batman as a sort of shadowy figure. These Mezco figures were perfect for the job!
Name: Mr. Mad Orange
Location: China
Inspiration: I've been collecting Batman from Mezco for a long time. Batman is Gotham's vigilante, and I just wanted to show him in one shot the righteousness he radiates when he watches the city from the rooftops
Want to be featured next week? Be sure to tag us in your best Mezco photos on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.