#HoHoMezco Holiday Recap

We know how busy the holidays are, so here’s a quick recap for anyone who may have missed our #HoHoMezco festivities!
We kicked things off with our annual holiday card. This year, Gomez and the Pink Skulls Chaos Club worked out their differences and came together to build a Snowmez. Grub helped too!

Next up - our #HappyHorrorDays giveaway, where one lucky winner received the ultimate horror fan bundle. Prizes included: MDS Freddy Krueger, MDS Mega Scale Talking Pennywise, Burst-A-Box Trick ’r Treat: Sam, One:12 Collective Michael Myers, LDD Presents Deluxe Jason Voorhees, and MDS Roto Plush Nun. Congratulations to our winner, Katie M.!

Furthering the festivity - #MezcoMondays: Holiday Edition. We asked you to show us your Mezco products amongst your holiday displays and you did not disappoint! From trees to gingerbread houses, we are nothing less than impressed with how creative some of the submissions were. Our randomly selected winner was @bcauseitsfun. Check out their festive photo below!

Last but certainly not least, Gomez and Grub heated things up by sending some warm holiday cheer your way.
Happy Holidays to you and yours from everyone at Mezco!
PS: Stay tuned for our last giveaway of 2019 coming 12/31.